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German Sauerbraten Marinade Recipe

This basic marinade recipe is for german Sauerbraten.


3/4 L / 3 cups water


1/8 - 1/4 L / 1/2 - 1 cup white vinegar

2 medium onions, 1 carrot

3 allspice corns, 3 pepper corns

1-2 cloves, 1-2 bay leaves

4-6 juniper berries (Wacholderbeeren), fresh rosemary


Finely chop the onions and rosemary, slice the carrot. Combine all ingredients in a large enough dish in which the Sauerbraten will fit easily. Rinse raw meat (beef or pork) in cold water then cover it completely with the cold marinade. In summer let marinade come to a boil then let marinade cool. Pour the cold marinade over the meat to cover it completely. Refridgerate marinated meat for 3 days.

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